

“My name is Emily, and my goal is to inform and empower women through connection and allyship.”

The decision to delve into the mental health field was one that came to fruition over years of self-reflection and evolvement. With a personal narrative that was once reliant upon the interdependence of others, I found a way to manage my way through pain, opposed to curtailing around it. This was done through discovering the power of yoga and the mind-body connection, as well as the help of DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy) to navigate unhealthy coping mechanisms- such as disordered eating, dependent relationship seeking and uncontrollable knee-jerk reactions.

It was through the power of becoming self-aware and dissolving my own ego where I was able to take inventory of what it was that I valued in my life. It was due to the intense inner work that I consciously steered for myself that lead to me going back to school. I challenged myself in ways I never thought I could, obtaining my Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, traveling internationally for the first time, altering my relationship with myself and my body, getting pregnant with my first baby, and beginning a master’s program in social work. These life changes all began with the conscious decision to dissolve my personal narrative about myself and assess the variables around me that were leading to a stagnation of self.

My interest in maternal mental health and eating disorders comes from my own journey navigating those waters and the intersectionality between being a woman, battling body image issues along with the underpinning of societal pressure to remain calm , collected and flawless – something that isn’t only unrealistic, but it leaves no room for growth. The reality is that the more I strive for perfection, the further I get from my authentic self and the less happy and fulfilled become.

My goal is to empower women with the tools to gain self-esteem and resiliency through a self-actualization process. With the experiences and education I gain throughout my social work graduate program, as well as professional internships and peer relationship building, I hope to develop a trusted following through my blog writing and resource sharing. All of the tools, guidance and information built into each blog are meant to intertwine my education and professional knowledge with my own personal experience.

It is through the weight of empathy and connection that I hope to give women a sense of empowerment to better themselves and evolve into the badass powerhouse they
truly are.