

Welcome to my blog and women’s resource site. I strive to spread awareness on maternal mental health, eating disorders and the importance of adopting a holistic practice of wellbeing.

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New Mama Stories Pt. 2

New Mama Stories Pt. 2

Make your voice heard. Share your story. Connect with others.

Through sharing their own unique experiences of pregnancy, birth and beyond, these women are opening the doors towards empowering others to see the strength and power that comes with having a baby amongst extremely difficult circumstances.

Here are their stories…

“Pregnancy was something I welcomed with open arms, but was also completely petrified of. My relationship with my body was one that I struggled to accept, and for my entire adulthood had enmeshed my self-worth with. During my pregnancy I developed gestational diabetes, which was very hard to come to terms with. I continuously asked myself, “What did I do wrong?” “Will this hurt my baby?” “I watch what I eat and exercise, why is this how my body reacts?”. On top of that, I had to test my blood sugar 4 times a day, as well as keep a food journal for months that noted every item of food I ate and what time. It was very stressful and caused my eating disordered thoughts to flare back up, especially with counting calories and restricting certain foods. However, this time it was for the health of my body and the health of my baby- not as a coping mechanism for perfectionism or control. I was able to manage the gestational diabetes and immediately after I gave birth, it went away.

Giving birth was such an incredible experience, and although the pain was intense ( I got an epidural at 9 cm), it was well worth it. The moment I met my daughter was such a rush of emotions- this was what I had been waiting for, I got to see this beautiful little face and hear that sweet little cry for the first time! I fell in love immediately.

 The most surprising part about being a new mom is the resilience that I never knew I had. Having a baby during a pandemic and not being able to utilize the family support system that is so necessary when having a new baby was extremely difficult, but we are making it through… and making it through stronger! My self -care is recognizing the wins that I make on a daily basis, no matter how big or small. I think that is the most important thing- being there for your baby and being there for yourself, and viewing reaching out for help as a sign of strength and self-awareness. “



“My baby girl arrived on Friday, July 10, at 2:05 am- and time has stopped. I’m on cloud 9 and I can’t believe she is here... I can’t believe she is ours... I can’t believe we get to keep her. I felt every single day of the pregnancy, it was so rough...I felt so weak, so ashamed of my helplessness, ailments, and weight gain.

And then the labor... 29 hours of craziness: Back labor, very strong and consistent contractions, but no dilation... 2 epidurals that wore off, 45 min of pushing, and I felt the WHOLE thing...She came out sunny side up. The doctor said that is one of the most painful ways to birth... I felt everything even though I had an epidural! She was 8lb 4oz, And I did it!

 Childbirth ended up being incredibly healing for me, I can’t believe I pushed her out! I felt so strong, so proud! And also in lots of pain… Never in 1 million years did I think the very thing that made me feel weak and SO sick (pregnancy), would be the same thing that made me feel like a friggin’ bad ass woman (birthing my girl)!!! It’s unreal... unreal, I can’t believe I did it. I truly had no other choice though, I was in so much pain, I had to get her out! 

I am so happy, so so happy.”



“For me, the actual pregnancy & delivery was hard, for different reasons, and I had it SO easy compared to so many people I know. I LOVE being a mom, so much, and I would go through the whole thing again to get the privilege of being this girl's mom, but I again, I will be the first person to tell you, it is hard. 

 I survived for many reasons, these are a few that helped me:

  1. Find your people: I have an amazing husband & a group of friends, who had just been pregnant, and I was able to be very open and honest with them about MOST of my feelings & challenges.

  2. STAY OFF THE INTERNET: I did NOT follow this advice, but experienced a whole bunch of anxiety because I went down so many rabbit holes, try not to. If you have questions ask your Dr.

  3. Read things and talk to people that resonate with you: There are SO many “right” ways to do things … When it comes to pregnancy, parenting, whatever... while I think exploring options, and being open minded is important, I’ve found when it comes to my kid, I know what feels right, and you’re not gonna change someone else's opinion, so when it comes to your pregnancy & your kid, do what feels right for you.

  4. MOSTLY Trust yourself. People have been having babies for a REALLY long time … if you’re reading this … you’re doing GREAT, trust your instincts! !

What has been the most surprising thing about new motherhood? How little sleep you actually need to function .. also the love… it is TRULY CRAZY I cannot believe how much I love this tiny human.”


New Mom, New Year: 4 Tips to Navigate the Resolution Pressure

New Mom, New Year: 4 Tips to Navigate the Resolution Pressure